#169 | Vampires Pt 1. | Legends & Lore Throughout History
“From the beginning of human history it seems there’s always been some form of vampire. From your traditional blood suckers to the owls that fly by night. For the next two weeks we’re taking a peek behind the curtain of the world’s most infamous vampire legend. Join us for a look into Vampire Legends & Lore Throughout History in Part 1 of VAMPIRES! ”
Episode Rundown
From the beginning of human history it seems there's always been some form of vampire. From your traditional blood suckers to the owls that fly by night. For the next two weeks we’re taking a peek behind the curtain of the world’s most infamous vampire legend. Join us for a look into Vampire Legends & Lore Throughout History in Part 1 of VAMPIRES! *Dramatic Lightning Strike*
Stay Tuned for Part 2 of Our 2-Episode Deep Dive into the Wonderful World of Vampires! In Part 2, we'll be diving into some first hand modern day accounts of run-in's with Vampires.
0:00 - It's Vampires, folks. Talkin' Vampires.
0:40 - Theme Music
1:36 - Christian's a Lil' Rusty…Classic
1:37 - If You Hate Banter & Tangents Skip This Chapter
5:43 - Christian Starts Talking About Vampires..
6:25 - The First Vampire: Lilith
9:40 - Christian Slips into the 6th Dimension for a Spell
9:56 - The Mercy Brown Vampire Incident
16:15 - Other Examples of Ancient Vampires!
20:26 - Arnold Paole: The Serbian Vampire
26:57 - The Church v. Vampirism
29:04 - The Vampire Beast of Bladenboro
33:22 - Let's Talk Strigoi
38:08 - Nosferatu, Obviously.
40:53 - The Highgate Vampire
43:55 - The Pinangalan
45:40 - We Will All Become VAMPIRES! (But probably not.)
46:07 - …wait are we talking about Adrena…?
50:41 - Closing Thoughts on The World of Vampires
56:02 - Outro