the best paranormal podcast 2025

Share Your Paranormal Stories

Want to hear your personal paranormal or unexplained experiences in one of our Freaky Listener Story episodes? Fill out the fields below, and we’ll be in touch! If you’re a local interested in sharing your experiences in studio be sure to include that in your write up, or submit your story to us directly by sending an email to

Don’t feel like typing your experience out? Feel free to leave a message on the official TFD Voicemail Line. Each message can be up to 3 minutes long. If your message cuts off before you’re finished sharing your story, feel free to call right back and leave another!

To leave us a voicemail simply call (801) 997-0051, or click the telephone image to auto-dial it for you. Is your life wrought with wild paranormal experiences? Add the number to your phone book, and drop us a line whenever you’ve got a story you’d like to share!

Leave Us a Voicemail