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#212 | Tales of the Legendary THUNDERBIRD!

Ponder, if you will, a creature of myth and Legend born from The Whispers of ancient winds. It is known as the Thunderbird, a colossal bird-like Phantom that soars high above the land, its wings stretching wide like the sky itself.

In the realm of Native American folklore this creature is not just a bird, but a Harbinger of dark storms over time. Tales of this legendary beast have drifted into the modern world leaving behind a trail of curious sightings and strange encounters.

Like Echoes In a Canyon these reports are often dismissed. Hoaxes, they say, or the tricks of nature, but in the shadows of our minds, in the places where reason gives way to wonder the legend of the Thunderbird endures. As you gaze into the stormy Horizon ask yourself this.. Is the Thunderbird a mere figment of folklore, or a glimpse into the unknown?

As you listen to this collection of true Ouija board horror stories, remember: curiosity can be a dangerous thing, and the spirits you reach out to might just reach back. So, settle in, turn down the lights, and prepare yourself for Volume 4 of Tales From the Ouija.

Remember friends, when messing with a Ouija Board, you’re not just asking questions—you’re opening a door. And the thing about doors is, you never really know what’s on the other side.

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#210 | The Mothman: Legends, Lore & True First Hand Stories…

This week we're diving into one of the most popular, and mysterious cases of all time when it comes to paranormal phenomena, and the unexplained: The Mothman. Most known for a series of sightings in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, but sightings of this creature have been reported much further back, and countless times since the collapse of the Silver Bridge. Christian takes us on a tour of some of the legends and lore surrounding this elusive entity, and follows it up with some truly unique first hand accounts and sightings of the Mothman.

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#199 | The Return of Dogman: Terrifying True Dogman Encounters | Vol 2.

Welcome back, friends! The last time we touched on true and terrifying Dogman Encounters was waaaaaaay back in Episode 5. Seeing as how we are now on episode 199, it seemed like no better time for the return of Dogman!As we're all familiar, Dogman is a cryptid that Christian absolutely cannot wrap his head around. Well, we're hoping that this is the episode that changes his perspective a bit, and "just opens his eyes a little" (It's not.)

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#170 | Vampires Pt. 2 | Modern Day First Hand Accounts & Run-Ins w/ Vampiric Entities

Part 2 of our deep dive into the riveting world of Vampires, we take a dramatic shift from part 1, wherein we look into Modern Day First Hand Accounts & Run-Ins with entities that the experiencer could only describe as Vampires.

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#169 | Vampires Pt 1. | Legends & Lore Throughout History

From the beginning of human history it seems there's always been some form of vampire. From your traditional blood suckers to the owls that fly by night. For the next two weeks we’re taking a peek behind the curtain of the world’s most infamous vampire legend. Join us for a look into Vampire Legends & Lore Throughout History in Part 1 of VAMPIRES!

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#158 | Abducted By Sasquatch: The Albert Ostman Bigfoot Story

Albert Ostman was a Canadian prospector who reported that he was abducted by a Sasquatch and held captive for six days. He stated that the event took place near Toba Inlet, British Columbia in 1924. It’s one of the wildest bigfoot stories of all time, and this is where our story begins…

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