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#194 | The Red-Haired Cannibal Giants of Lovelock Cave | Battle of Si Te Cah & The Paiutes of Nevada

Welcome back to the show, fellow weirdos! In this week's episode, Christian takes us through the tale of Lovelock Cave, a battle, and the destruction of a tribe of Red-Haired Giants. Lovelock Cave, nestled in Nevada, has long intrigued archaeologists and folklore enthusiasts alike. The cave bears evidence of human habitation dating back thousands of years, with artifacts and remains shedding light on ancient Native American cultures. However, it's perhaps best known for the legend of the Si-Te-Cah, or "Tule Duck" people, a tribe of red-haired giants supposedly driven into the cave by neighboring tribes.

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#193 | Active Duty Military Ghost Stories & Haunted Bases | Part 2 | Real Army Paranormal Experiences

Welclome back to Part 2 of Active Duty Military Ghost Stories, Haunted Bases & More Real Paranormal Experiences shared from servicemen and women throughout the military. In the conclusion of this military 2-parter, we're taking a look into some really interesting accounts of satanic rituals, a chilling account from the South Pole, a creepy slender man / stick man spotted during BMT that led to a strange series of events, and we even grab a very very very short local story of a haunted hangar from JBER in Anchorage, Alaska. Bonus is you ALSO get to hear Christian sniffle into the microphone no fewer than 1,000,000 times. Isn't that great?

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#192 | Active Duty Military Ghost Stories & Haunted Bases | Part 1 | Real Army Paranormal Experiences

Welclome back to the show, friends. This week we're diving into part 1 of a 2-part look into Active Duty Military Ghost Stories, Haunted Bases & More Real Paranormal Experiences shared from servicemen and women throughout the military. We touch on some chilling dogman accounts from Haditha, curses hurled at troops from Iraqi grandmothers, dip our toes into some terrifying true tales from Japan. Be sure to tune in next week for Part 2! Do you have any first hand paranormal experiences from your time in the military? We'd love to hear them! Comment below, or submit your story via the website to be included in our Freaky Listener Story episodes!

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#191 | Park Ranger HORROR Stories: Bigfoot, Skinwalkers & Other TRUE Creepy Paranormal Experiences

This week we're diving into a topic that we've wanted to touch on for quite some time: Park Ranger Horror Stories! Some truly unsettling things take place deep in the woods, and nestled behind the shrubs of your favorite national parks, and this week we're shining a light on some of the creepier stories we've come across. Forest Rangers and other personnel that help keep our parks safe have some wild stories under their belts after years of active service patrolling these pristine slices of nature.

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#190 | For Sale, Not HAUNTED: Volume 2 | Realtor Ghost Stories

We're back once again for more Real Estate Agents true paranormal experiences and oddities in Volume 2 of For Sale, Not HAUNTED! Join us as we dive down the realtor rabbit hole once more, and be sure to keep your eyes out for a correlating Sleep With The Lights On packed with even more true and terrifying run in's with the otherworldly from Realtor's all over the world, dropping in the very near future! Do you know any real estate agents that have had paranormal experiences with ghosts, spirits, or even just really weird vibes while on the job? We'd love to hear their stories!

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#189 | Owls, Their Symbolism, Screen Memories & The Supernatural

Owls have been called harbingers of death, replacement memories (screen memories) during alien abductions, they've been linked to The Mothman Prophecy and have been mentioned since before time was recorded in Native American and First Nation cultures. The owl is one of the most significant animals throughout history to be connected to the supernatural in cultures all over the world and throughout time there are stories and legends some bring death, others bring about false memories and sometimes the owl is just a handy form of transportation for witches if they don't have their broom around.

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#188 | Encounters With Evil: Run-In's With Malevolent Spirits, Real Paranormal Experiences

Welcome back to the Freaky Deaky, folks today we’re diving into some chilling encounters with evil, true paranormal experiences and run-ins with malevolent spirits. We’ll see you on the inside. Have you ever had any run-in's with what you can only describe as malevolent spirits or entities? Submit your real paranormal experiences to be shared in our Listener Story Episodes! Send your stories to thegang@thefreakydeaky.com

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#182 | FREAKY Listener Stories Vol. 6

We're back with another episode in our favorite series, Freaky Listener Stories! In Volume 6, we've got some real zingers that have been sent in over the last couple of months. We're talking ghost mimes, we're talking waking walk-ins, we're talking mimics, and paranormal activity in an area of Google Earth that was coincidentally blurred out WHILE harboring an interesting military presense. Classic stuff, really. Thank you to everyone that submitted their personal paranormal experiences for us to share! You da real MVPs. Join in the spooky merriment, as we dive into some truly awesome ghost stories and other paranormal oddities. We'll see you on the inside!

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#181 | Slumber Party Horror Stories

Have you ever had an unsettling paranormal experience during a sleep over at a friends house? Have you ever wanted to hear stories of this nature discussed by two grown men with jobs and responsibilities? Well, it's finally happening folks, the moment you've all been waiting for. That's right, two fully grown men are sitting down to share true Slumber Party Horror Stories. We thought the day would never come, yet here we are.

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#179 | Hide & Seek Specters, Alternate Timelines and Future Self Advice

This week Christian shares some One-Off's and Oddities that he's found throughout his years of paranormal research. We cover tales of hide and seek spirits, dive into alternate timelines and look into a peculiar story wherein a man receives advice from his future self.

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#178 | Tales From The Ouija: Vol 3 | Scary True Ouija Board Horror Stories

The ouija board is known by all, but not every one subscribes to the belief that it actually harnesses the ability to communicate with the dead. Some think that the ouija board is nothing more than a children’s board game, while other's wouldn’t set a finger on it for fear of the inevitable spiritual and spectral consequences. Well, we’re not here to sway your opinion one way or another, we’re simply here to provide you with allegedly true and terrifying first hand accounts from people that have tested it out for themselves, many of which, learned to regret their decision.

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#177 | Are Aliens Among Us? Extraterrestrial's, UFO's & Alien Abductions, Oh My!

Buckle up for a wild ride, as Christian takes us down the rabbit hole of UFO's, Extraterrestrial Life & Alien Abductions, Oh My! We dive into everything from obscure abduction stories, to Mantis Men, clones & even dive into a real ufo story from the Funkmeister George Clinton himself (read by Christian, which makes it 1000x more hilarious.) We'll see you on the inside.

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#176 | Cursed Movie Sets: Haunting Hollywood’s Silver Screen..

a journey through the shadows of Hollywood's haunted history in the realm of Cinema where Dreams Come to Life there exists a dark undercurrent of mysterious forces that have plagued certain movie sets with an eerie and unsettling energy.

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#175 | Strange Highness Vol. 1 | The C.I.A.'s Demon Informant & A Possessed Nun

Strange Highness is a show that blends the wild and wacky world of conspiracy theories, and wild paranormal experiences, with the sweet earthy goodness of Marijuana. The beliefs and opinions displayed in episodes of Strange Highness should be NO MEANS be taken seriously. This is a comedy show about discussing strange topics while under the influence of weed. If you feel triggered by any of the previous sentences in this paragraph, then this show is 100% not for you (and that’s fine.)

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#174 | Lost & Lured in the Woods: True Stories From Haunted Forests..

the seductive Hulder of Scandinavian allure to the elusive Kitsune of Japan, the spectral Wild Hunt haunting Europe's realms, and Irelands Aos Sí our narrative unfolds like pages from a forbidden tome. As we traverse continents and cultures, these chilling echoes converge, revealing a cosmic thread that binds the tales together.In the twilight of reality, we unveil firsthand accounts from intrepid souls who have had the misfortunate of experiencing this phenomenon firsthand and live to tell the tale. Throughout this episode ask yourself three simple questions: Who are these entities? What do they want, and what happens to the unfortunate souls that answer their sinister call?

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#173 | FREAKY Listener Stories | Vol. 5

In Volume 5, we hear some terrifying true paranormal experiences from listeners involving demonic possession, the Stanley Hotel, phone calls from the other side, phantom black cats, noisy houseguests, and our first ever listener story submission from Ireland! What a treat!

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#172 | Haunted Amusement Parks

the Eerie world of Haunted Amusement and theme parks where the line between Thrills and Supernatural chills become blurred. Join us as we navigate through the spectral Landscapes of both well-known and hidden gems in the realm of amusement park hauntings from the famous ghostly tales that have echoed through the decades to the lesser known, yet equally haunting corners of entertainment

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#171 | Haunted Mirrors

Mirrors have always held a mysterious allure, reflecting not only our physical appearance but also harboring a realm of superstitions across various cultures. These beliefs often intertwine with folklore, creating an intriguing tapestry of fears and cautionary tales. We’re talking everything from mirror beliefs and superstitions, to haunted mirrors, and the best practices for mirror placement within the home to keep your house safe from spirits! A lot of fascinating information and culture in this episode, we think you’re going to like it.

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#170 | Vampires Pt. 2 | Modern Day First Hand Accounts & Run-Ins w/ Vampiric Entities

Part 2 of our deep dive into the riveting world of Vampires, we take a dramatic shift from part 1, wherein we look into Modern Day First Hand Accounts & Run-Ins with entities that the experiencer could only describe as Vampires.

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#169 | Vampires Pt 1. | Legends & Lore Throughout History

From the beginning of human history it seems there's always been some form of vampire. From your traditional blood suckers to the owls that fly by night. For the next two weeks we’re taking a peek behind the curtain of the world’s most infamous vampire legend. Join us for a look into Vampire Legends & Lore Throughout History in Part 1 of VAMPIRES!

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