#161 | Dream Interpretation, Recurring Nightmares & Common Dream Meanings.
“...talking the power of dreams as we dive into stories from various dream types ranging from Premonition Dreams, and Recurring Nightmares to Dream Transference, Common Dream Meanings, and Dream Analysis. She also takes the time to offer interpretations of dreams sent in by our listeners...”
Episode Rundown
We've got my mom in studio this week talking the power of dreams as we dive into stories from various dream types ranging from Premonition Dreams, and Recurring Nightmares to Dream Transference, Common Dream Meanings, and Dream Analysis. She also takes the time to offer interpretations of dreams sent in by our listeners, both voicemail and email submissions.
So, if you've sent in your dreams over the past couple months, be sure to check the time stamps below to see what your dream could have meant! Part 2 will be coming out in Decemenber of this year, so if you missed your chance to get in this episode, be sure to submit your dreams to the email or voicemail line below and we'll get you added to Part 2!
0:00 - Theme Music
0:54 - It's My Mom
6:36 - Breaking The Ol' Bean Seal
7:17 - Hit The Socials @freakydeakypod
7:35 - Introducing Leslie Walker
13:05 - Shout Out to John Paul Jackson
14:47 - Premonition Dreams & Recurring Nightmares
15:45 - The Nightmare Cave of Dog Drop
19:36 - Dream Analysis #1
24:04 - The Suffocating Pitch Black
25:45 - Dream Analysis #2
32:12 - Recurring Sacrificial Nightmare
35:12 - Christian is the Potty Mouth Police
36:07 - Dream Analysis #3
41:42 - Mom Shares a Dream
45:23 - Submit Your Dreams for Part 2 in December
46:20 - Voicemail Submission From Brenda
48:18 - Diving Into Brenda's Dream
53:55 - Christian Shares a Recurring Dream
57:20 - Voicemail Submission From Marlene, The Legend
63:34 - Diving Into Marlene's Dream
67:41 - Christian's Coffee Intermission & Bean Report
68:53 - Anonymous Voicemail Submission
70:36 - Diving Into The Anonymous Dream
76:07 - Email Submission From Natalie
80:40 - Diving Into Natalie's Dream
88:25 - Garrett Long Forever!