#156 | The Bridgewater Triangle | Legends & Lore
“This vortex of the inexplicable, framed by the jagged edges of folklore and the unknown, is whispered to be the most treacherous of its kind in the vast expanse of The Bridgewater Triangle.”
Episode Rundown
Amidst the shadows and whispers of the unknown, there lies an uncanny realm known as The Bridgewater Triangle. A haunting expanse that stretches over 200 square miles in the heart of Massachusetts, this ethereal landscape has garnered a reputation as a "thin place," a boundary where the fabric of reality appears fragile, allowing glimpses into the otherworldly.
This vortex of the inexplicable, framed by the jagged edges of folklore and the unknown, is whispered to be the most treacherous of its kind in the vast expanse of America. Join us as we journey into The Bridgewater Triangle.
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0:00 - Christian Sets the Tone
0:59 - Intro Music
1:55 - Christian Want's to Get a Couple Drinks In
4:36 - The Bridgewater Triangle
5:02 - Christian Can't Say Massachusetts, and it's Fine
9:06 - The Spike of UFO Sightings in the 1970's
13:54 - Chanting & Things That Scream in the Night
19:11 - Pukwudgie Talk
24:47 - Documentarian & Skeptic's Take
26:47 - A Malevolent Presence & The Bulletproof Canine
33:34 - A Spirit Named George
38:19 - A Tree Falls In The Woods
43:40 - Closing Thoughts