Season 1 Finale & TFD Summer Break
As we draw closer to the finale of Season 1 (set to air middle of June), I wanted to give a little update on what our plans are for the summer break. Even though season 1 is ending, we’ll still be bringing you guys weekly releases. We’ve been slowly gathering ideas on which direction we’d like to take the summer segments, and it's definitely been fun to brainstorm all the new and exciting things we’ll be introducing. Nothing is officially set in stone yet, as we’ve still gotta figure out the scheduling, but here’s a little sneak peek of what we have in store leading up to the launch of Season 2.
TFD Summer Break! For anyone that let out a depressed long-winded sigh when you heard the season was coming to an end, you’re in luck! We’ll still be producing new episodes throughout the summer. Summer Break segments are going to be formatted a bit different than the episodes you’ve come to know and love, but we think you’ll enjoy. Each episode will likely range from 10-20 minutes. Bummer, right?! Truth is, editing 60-90 minutes episodes is pretty draining, and we wanted to give ourselves a bit of a break to soak up as much of the Midnight Sun as we can throughout Alaska’s painfully brief summer months to get refreshed and ready for more action in Season 2.
Heather will also be taking advantage of the Summer Break segments by introducing a passion of hers into the mix, True Crime. Guys, Heather is PASSIONATE about CRIME. She can’t get enough of it. This woman lives, eats, breathes, and sleeps CRIME! Sometimes we’ll find her stealing granola bars from the shop just for the trill of the game. Kidding. We give her granola bars. Moving right along, we’ve wanted to introduce True Crime into the podcast’s arsenal for a while now, but we weren’t fully sure on how to get them rolling. This will be a good way to dip our toe into the True Crime space, and give you all some interesting looks into some of Heather’s favorite cases. These True Crime segments will make an appearance during the TFD Summer Break segments, and will be available on the same pod catchers you listen on now! What we’d like to do for Season 2 and beyond, is release specific episodes on notorious and even some relatively unknown serial killers, disappearances & more once a month. We originally thought about releasing them on Thursday’s like any other episode, but we’ve also been talking about possible releasing them as bonus episodes once or twice a month on Tuesday’s. As we’ve stated previously, although the majority of our episodes hover around topics of the Paranormal, or the Unknown, we’re not going to be pigeonholed to those genre’s alone. The plan has ALWAYS been to cover anything freaky. Hence the name, The Freaky Deaky. Get it?
I’ve spent the majority of Season 1 working on renovating my shop/garage into a useable studio space for the podcast. This was no easy feat! We obviously wanted it to have the proper acoustic environment to make for good recordings, but on top of that, we really wanted to make it eye catching so that we could slowly work on video segments. Granted, taking on a video podcast is CRAZY daunting, but we figured to ease ourselves into it, we could start with writing & filming some clips for our YouTube channel (If you haven’t subscribed yet, here’s the link: TFD on YouTube. ) Christian’s been working on some shorter stories and legends that would translate well into easily digestible videos around 5 - 10 minutes. We’ll be filming these videos in the studio, and showcasing them on YouTube. We’re particularly stoked for these, as it’ll really give us an opportunity to show off the new space, flex our creativity a bit, and really go deep on some crazy stories that aren’t necessarily long enough to work into full length episodes.
Along the lines of the YouTube content, we’re also going to be filming segments for our TikTok page (@freakydeakypod). As I mentioned in the previous bullet, recording full length video podcasts without a “producer” on hand to run the cameras can be a little tricky. We’re thinking about starting off light, and filming specific episodes to use for clips across TikTok (and possibly 10-15 minute clips for YouTube as well). If I can convince the gang to record ridiculous 60 second videos, we’ll blast those on TikTok as well.
There’s plenty of haunted locations throughout Alaska. Heather and her fam just picked up an RV, and there’s been talks of doing a few TFD camping outings to see if we can look into some of these spooky locations ourselves! So if you’ve got any places in mind here in Alaska, we’d love to hear them. What are the odds of us finding Bigfoot on these little outings of ours? I’d say they’re probably slim, BUT they’ll be a fun little escape from the day to day chaos of normal life, and will likely make for some interesting stories nonetheless.
I’ll end this list by saying that we truly want to hear your thoughts on the show. Without our listeners, we’re just three weirdos talking about ghosts and shit in a garage. You’re as much a part of this endeavor as we are, and with that, comes the ability to give your 2 cents. If you’ve got ideas you’d like to see brought to the show, we want to hear about it! Tell us your favorite parts of the episodes, or topics you’d like to hear discussed, or things we can do differently to make this show as good as we possibly can. Now’s your chance to get your voice heard as we’re slowly fleshing out ideas on what season 2 will bring. Send in your personal paranormal experiences and ideas for the pod to
Thanks again to everyone that’s shared the show throughout the season. Word of mouth is really the thing that makes a show spread like wildfire, and we appreciate each and every one of you. It’s been a blast, and we’re stoked to see where the summer, and season 2 take us.
Stay Freaky,