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#154 | Haunted Planes, Trains & Automobiles
Join us as we relive some curious first hand accounts of ghost trains, cursed cars & planes found to be carrying more than the flight manifest may lead you to believe!
#153 | Freaky Listener Stories Vol. 4
Listeners recount their terrifying true paranormal encounters and ghost stories in Volume 4 of Freaky Listener Stories! This week, we're diving into MORE True First Hand Accounts of the Paranormal from our amazing listeners. Huge shout out to everyone that sent in your personal experiences that found their way into today's episode!
#151 | For Sale, Not Haunted
The listing is live, the For Sale sign's been hung out front featuring a headshot with your impeccably white veneers, perfectly coifed hair, and a rider stating "For Sale, Not Haunted". All that's left to do is come inside and join us on this Open House of Horrors, where every creak of the floorboards and flicker of the lights will leave you questioning the safety of the impossibly thin veil between our world and the next.
#150 | Sleep With The Lights On | Vol. 1
In celebration of 150 episodes, Sleep With The Lights On Volume 1 is packed with terrifying real ghost stories, ranging from the nightmare inducing Cardiff Clown, a haunting faceless spirit, and a look into some truly haunting places including an Australian apartment complex with an attic that harbors much more than meets the eye...