Destruction of the Controversial Georgia Guidestones
On July 6, 2022, a suspected bomb destroyed part of the Georgia Guidestones. A controversial monument in Elberton County that was found extensively damaged after nearby residents reported hearing an explosion at approximately 4 am. Due to safety concerns, officials tore down the remaining pillars on July 7th. The investigation by the Georgia Bureau of Investigations is just getting underway, but the controversy behind the granite pillars has been around since their construction.
The mystery behind the construction of the Georgia Guidestones has produced conflicting theories about the purpose of this monument, called “America’s Stonehenge”. I am not sure who coined the term America’s Stonehenge, but let us be clear that there is no comparison to the mysterious Stonehenge, especially now that the Guidestones have been reduced to rubble.
The Guidestones were constructed to be a functional astronomical calendar. It has four granite walls standing 20 feet each with a capstone. On each side of the granite are ten directives written in different languages, English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, Swahili, and Hebrew. The capstone has four ancient languages to make sure that any aliens that might have been responsible for genetically producing humans would also understand if they returned later to check on their experiment.
The Guidestones were built in 1980 in Elbert County Georgia. The man who paid to have the monument built went by the pseudonym R.C. Christian. He told everyone involved with the production of the granite pillars and capstone that he wanted to remain anonymous. Some have said that the name chosen is a clue that points to the Rosicrucians.
Rosicrucianism is a European movement from the 17th century. The manifesto of this group states that their aim was to bring about a “universal reformation of mankind”. This was a secretive order at a time when the church had immense power and influence. It was not uncommon to be tortured and burned at the stake by the zealous leaders of the Christian religion of the period if you strayed from the accepted doctrine of the time.
In 1617, a Rosicrucian named Michael Maier published a work called “Silentium Post Clamores”, which stated that the order was a “Primordial Tradition” that had Egyptian and Brahmic roots. Also connected were the mysteries of Eleusis and Samothrace along with the Magi of Persia, the Pythagoreans, and the Arabs. The various connections obviously put the order in an evil light during this time. It is easy to see why this group was secretive and why there is so much negativity from many circles in modern times.
There are other theories that have been documented through the years. For instance, the Guidestones are said to be satanic in nature as part of a Luciferian ritual. This part is not surprising since soon after its construction the United States entered a period that would be dubbed The Satanic Panic.
A recently defeated Georgia GOP candidate for governor had even promised to destroy the monument if she were elected calling it a “Satanic Cabal”. She was soundly defeated but should probably expect a visit from the GBI soon.
As the nation moved into a new millennium a theory gained traction that had the stones being commissioned by Globalists and Elites of The New World order. When reading the “commandments” chiseled into the monument two jump out that have been put forward to prove this. Both have their roots in eugenics.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
Keeping the global population under 500,000,000 does have the feel of the “maniacal” New World Order. While Guiding reproduction wisely feels more like a Nazi supreme race type of plan. There would probably be no controversy without these ideas.
There have even been connections to the infamous white supremacist publication of The Turner Diaries.
A documentary called Dark Clouds Over Elberton would later claim that R.C. Christian was in fact two people, Robert Merryman and Dr. Herbert H Kirstin from Ft. Dodge, Iowa. Merryman worked at a publishing company that produced a book called Common Sense Renewed which was said to be written by Robert Christian.
Dr. Kirstin seems to take center stage here as his last name is German for Christian. He was a Catholic medical doctor who felt that birth control would help further his views on population control. That is only controversial on the surface so let us dig a little deeper.
Dr. Herbert Hinie Kirsten supported former Grand Duke of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke. We have now moved from Globalist to white supremacist unless they are one and the same. William Sayles Doan has said that Kirstin had the view that whites, especially those of Northern Europe were the world’s “unrivaled race”.
We will let you be the judge of whether the Georgia Guidestones are satanic, racist, or as stated, a way for humans to restart society after an apocalyptic event. If the Georgia Bureau of Investigation determines that explosives were used to topple one of the pillars, we will probably find a perpetrator who leaned towards the stones being evil.
Read all ten of the “commandments” and tell us what you think of the post-apocalyptic plan.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature